No really!?!
Turns out the only thing better than a great yard-sale deal is a genius sewing tip. A few weeks ago I won a copy of Angela's book, Free-Motion Quilting from Daisy Jane. That's right: THIS GIRL (imagine my thumbs pointed proudly at my collar bones) never wins ANYTHING, so I feel no shame in admitting that I entered another blogger's giveaway. :)

Instead of practicing my freehand designs on paper, which I've been doing since I got my longarm three years ago, she suggested practicing them on a magnetic doodle board. Holy schnikees. Why didn't I think of that?
I only quilt on a long arm, but her book applies to free motion quilting on any machine. If it's an art you already enjoy, or even if you're thinking about getting into it, I heartily endorse her book. (And she has absolutely no idea I'm writing this.)
Meanwhile, all that chicken scratch at the top is my practice for the four borders on Momma's quilt. What do you think?